Events in 2015

CITiZAN archaeologists are holding events all around England. Come see when we'll next be in your area and join us!

Illustrated talk - Thames Archaeology Day

17/10/2015  |  11 a.m.

Beecroft Art Gallery Lecture Theatre

CITiZAN South East archaeologist Lara Band will be giving a talk on CITiZAN at 11:00-11:40 at Southend Museums' Thames Archaeology Day.

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Illustrated talk: CITiZAN to COLAS

16/10/2015  |  6:30 p.m.


CITiZAN will be giving an evening lecture to COLAS, The City of London Archaeology Society.

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Conference: Ships and Shorelines

16/10/2015  |  5 p.m.

Avenue Campus, University of Southampton

CITiZAN will be presenting the project at the Ships and Shorelines: Maritime Archaeology for the 21st Century Conference.

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Illustrated Talk: Langstone Harbour Open Forum

15/10/2015  |  7:30 a.m.

Tudor Sailing Club, Portsmouth

The South West team will be presenting the project at the annual Langstone Harbour Open Forum

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Illustrated talk: Colchester Archaeological Group

12/10/2015  |  7:30 p.m.

Colchester, NE Essex

CITiZAN will be giving a talk to the Colchester Archaeological Group about the aims of the project, recent findings, and how to get involved!

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